S29E2 - About the AIDA Funnel

Knowing what it takes for a consumer to buy a product is the key to marketing. It's more than just fulfilling a need or want - there are lots of products out there that do the same thing, after all. When you go to market a book, you need to know what the reader expects and what it takes for them to decide to purchase.

First, every reader has a quota for the number of times they need to see or hear about a book before they read it. It changes based on genre and the reader's personal interests and demands. Some quotas are smaller with books from known authors, or even for books with pretty covers. Other quotas are insurmountably high, such as when the book is outside the reader's preferred genres (you'll never catch Ley reading a romance novel).

The other thing you need to know is about the AIDA funnel. This is what people either enter or fall out of when looking at a potential product. Listen to this episode for a breakdown of the funnel, and what it means for your marketing efforts.

First aired February 7, 2022.


S29E3 - Building an Effective Author Website


S29E1 - How to Waste Money on Marketing