We love writing. We especially love talking about it.
We founded AspenHouse Publishing so self-published authors can make sure their books excel in an inundated market. As we worked with writers, we started getting similar questions over and over again. We began to wonder if there was a better way to get this information out to everyone, and get everyone to help grow together as authors.
Enter Writing Roots.
Our goal isn't to give broad advice we think everyone should follow (read through Ley's post on Writing Advice for why). Instead, we're sharing what works for us and what we think might help you. They're all things we wished we knew when we started our journey as authors.
We decided to keep our podcasts brief – about as long as it would take me to get to work – in hopes of making the information easy and accessible. That’s why we don’t take longer than 15 minutes per episode (unless you count the bonus episodes, which we’ll get to in a moment). The episodes aren’t in any order either, so missing one and making it up on the weekend is easy.
Bonus episodes release once a month, with an extended run time and deep dive into a certain topic. They will also include guest hosts and interviews with people skilled in their particular facet of the publishing process. Popular guests include other members of the AspenHouse writing club, called the Forge.
Our goal is to answer your questions (and sometimes our own as we learn and grow as authors, too) so we encourage you to write us! We may respond with a date in which we have/intend to cover that topic, or we’ll address it at the end-of-the-year Listener Mail series. Our email address is WritingRoots@AspenHousePublishing.com if you’d like to ask your question or let us know how we’re doing.
Writing Roots is just one of three facets of AspenHouse Publishing. The others are Publishing Services, and The Forge – a community of authors writing and growing together. If you’re interested in either of these other opportunities, let us know at queries@AspenHousePublishing.com and we’ll point you in the right direction.
Thanks for listening!