S3E9 - Monsters and Horror
The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown. - H.P. Lovecraft
S3E8 - Building a Pantheon
Men create gods after their own image, not only with regard to their form but with regard to their mode of life. - Aristotle
S3E7 - Weaknesses
The more limitations you put on a character often times the better a character you'll make them, the more interesting the story becomes because the character can't simply wave a hand and make something happen. They have to work within the framework. - Brandon Sanderson
S3E6 - Superpowers
We all wish we had superpowers. We all wish we could do more than we can do. - Stan Lee
S3E5 - Murder 101
Hit early, hit hard. Kill with the first blow. Get your retaliation in first. - Lee Child
S3E4 - Weather and Architecture
The weird thing about houses is that they almost always look like nothing is happening inside of them, even though they contain most of our lives. I wondered if that was sort of the point of architecture. - John Green
S3E3 - Building Magic Systems
One of my challenges [as a writer] is to make sure that I'm giving the reader details that the character cares about rather than details that I care about. I’d say that's key to world-building. - Jessica Andersen
S3E2 - Magic and Technology
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. - Arthur C Clarke
S3E1 - Writing Outside Your Expertise
Though in this genre we write about the fantastic, the stories work best when there is solid grounding in our world. - Brandon Sanderson