S49 Bonus - Writing Roots Blooper Reel
Thank you for listening to another year of Writing Roots!
S49E8 - What Do I Do If All I'm Writing is Dialogue?
For all forms, writing dialogue is almost like writing music. I pay close attention to rhythms and tones. - Sefi Atta
S49E7 - How Do I Determine Comp Titles for My Book?
Engaging in the literary world and discovering what books are out there is always beneficial. Consider the comp hunt both a rite of passage and a learning opportunity—and may the odds be ever in your favor. - Star Wuerdemann
S49E6 - If I Want to Be a Career Author, Should I Stick to One Genre?
Good writing is good writing. In many ways, it’s the audience and their expectations that define a genre. A reader of literary fiction expects the writing to illuminate the human condition, some aspect of our world and our role in it. A reader of genre fiction likes that, too, as long as it doesn’t get in the way of the story. - Rosemary Clement-Moore
S49E5 - Why Does My Writing Seem Basic Even When I Have a Big Vocabulary?
In writing fiction, the more fantastic the tale, the plainer the prose should be. Don’t ask your readers to admire your words when you want them to believe your story. - Ben Bova
S49E4 - What is the Difference Between a Complete Monster and a Regular One?
Since childhood, I've been faithful to monsters. I have been saved and absolved by them, because monsters, I believe, are patron saints of our blissful imperfection, and they allow and embody the possibility of failing. - Guillermo del Toro
S49E3 - How Do I Build a Military for a Spec Fic Story?
World-building can be as complicated or as simple as your story needs it to be. - Moriah Richard
S49E2 - Is Having Multiple POVs the Same as Head Hopping?
With third-person limited, we want to ensure that the character’s beliefs are reflected in the narrator’s description of things. Not by necessarily telling us what the character thinks, but by coloring in their fictional world - setting, people, events - with the character’s perspective, informing the words selected. - Peter Mountford
S49E1 - Why Do You Have a Podcast?
In teaching writing, I’m learning new things about writing. - David B Coe