S35E7 - Slow Beginnings Ruin Stories
I don’t get far enough into a boring book to hate it. - Gary Wills
S35E6 - The Problem with Annoying Main Characters
Think of your main characters as dinner guests. Would your friends want to spend ten hours with the characters you’ve created? Your characters can be loveable, or they can be evil, but they’d better be compelling. ― Po Bronson
S28E9 - The Habit of Finishing Your Work
They belong to their readers now, which is a great thing–because the books are more powerful in the hands of my readers than they could ever be in my hands. - John Green
S26E1 - Becoming a Student of Language
Loving your language means a command of its vocabulary beyond the level of the everyday. - John H. McWhorter
S25 Bonus - A Guide to Finishing Your Book
For more than three years I wrote more than 400 words every day. I mean, every calendar day. If, in those pre-portable days, I couldn’t get to a keyboard, I wrote hard the previous night and caught up the following day, and if it ever seemed that it was easy to do the average I upped the average. - Terry Pratchett